Διεθνής και Εθνική Αναγνώριση
1. Κριτής σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά
Διεθνή περιοδικά
- Biological Research (Π27)
- Journal of Ecological Engeeniring, Elsevier (Π24)
- Journal of Gegraphy and Regional Planning (Π25)
- Web Ecology, Oikos
Εθνικά περιοδικά
- Αγροτική Έρευνα, Εκδόσεις, ΕΘ.Ι.ΑΓ.Ε.
- Γεωτεχνικά Επιστημονικά Θέματα, Εκδόσεις ΓΕΩΤΕ (Π30)
- Δασική Έρευνα, Εκδόσεις, ΕΘ.Ι.ΑΓ.Ε.
2. Αξιολογητής Ερευνητικών Προγραμμάτων
- Υποέργου 04ΑΚΜΩΝ70 (Π28).
- Διακρατικού Προγράμματος Δοκιμής Φυτικών Ειδών, Υπ. Εξωτερικών.
3. Ετεροαναφορές στη Διεθνή Βιβλιογραφία
Μέχρι το Σεπτέμβριο του 2010 βρέθηκαν 76 ετεροαναφορές, σύμφωνα με τις διεθνείς βάσεις δεδομένων ISI Web of Science, Scopus Citation Tracker, Google Scholar, Books, PhD και MSc Thesis, οι οποίες κατανέμονται κατά εργασία ως εξής :
Εργασία 2. Tsakaldimi M., T. Tsitsoni P. Ganatsas T. Zagas, 2009. A comparison of root architecture and shoot morphology between natural regenerated and container seedlings of Quercus ilex L. Plant and Soil 324: 103-113. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:1. Stokes A., Atger C., Bengough A.G. et al. 2009. Desirable plant root traits for protecting natural and engineered slopes against landslides. Plant and Soil 324: 1-30.2. Stokes A., Sotir R., Chen W. and Ghestem M., 2009. Soil bio- and eco-engineering in China: past experience and future priorities. Ecological Engineering. Special Issue: Vegetation and Slope Stability. Vol.36 (3): 247-257.3. Birkedal M. 2010. Reforestation by direct seeding of beech and oak: Influence of granovorous rodents and site preparation. Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp. | ||
Εργασία 3. Tsakaldimi M., Zagas T., Tsitsoni T. and Ganatsas P., 2005. Root morphology, stem growth and field performance of seedlings of two Mediterranean evergreen oak species raised in different container types. Plant and Soil 278: 85-73. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:4. Hernandez E.I., Vilagrosa A., Luis V.C. et al. 2009. Root hydraulic conductance, gas exchange and leaf water potential in seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus L. and Quercus suber L. grown under different fertilization and light regimes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 269-276.5. Palacios G., Cerrillo R.M.N., del Campo A. et al., 2009. Site preparation, stock quality and planting date effect on early establishment of Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings. Ecological Engineering 35: 38-46.6. Navarro-Cerrillo R.M., Ariza D., Gonzalez L. et al. 2009. Legume living mulch for afforestation in agricultural land in Southern Spain. Soil and Tillage Research 102: 38-44.7. Villar-Salvador P., Valladares F., Dominguez-Lerena S. et al., 2008. Functional traits related to seedling performance in the Mediterranean leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa: Insights from a provenance, fertilization, and rhizobial inoculation study. Environmental and Experimental Botany 64: 145-154.8. Chirino E., Vilagrosa A., Hernandez E.I. et al., 2008. Effects of a deep container on morpho-functional characteristics and root colonization in Quercus suber L. seedlings for reforestation in Mediterranean climate. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 779-785.9. Blanusa T., Papadogiannakis E., Tanner R. et al., 2007. Root pruning as a means to encourage root growth in two ornamental shrubs, Buddleja davidii “Summer Beauty” and Cistus “Snow Fire”. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 82: 521-528.10. Villar-Salvador P., Puertolas J., and Penuelas J.L., 2008. Assessing Morphological and Physiological Plant Quality for Mediterranean Woodland Restoration Projects. CAP 7 CEAM 16/7/08 21: 26.11. Salvador P.V., Rubira J.L.P., Corz J.C., Valencia E., 2008. Efecto de la fertilization nitrogenada durante el cultivo en vivero sobre el desarrolo en campo de Quercus coccifera y Q. faginea. Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cienc. For. 28: 183-187.12. Gheysari M., Garcia A.Y., Hoogenboom G., 2008. Relation between air and media temperature of containerized nursery crops. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008. 9: 5383-5400.13. Bilgin S., 2008. Seed-seedling relationship and nursery techniques of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.). PhD Thesis, Süleyman Demirel Üniversity Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Department of Forestry Engineering.14. Wong Wai Ting 2006. Propagating native tree seedlings for forest rehabilitation in Hong Kong, China. Master of Philosophy, University of Hong Kong.15. Dumroese R. K. and Landis T. D. (Eds), 2006. Forest Nursery Notes. USDA Forest Service, R6-CP-TP-04-2006. | ||
Εργασία 4. Tsitsoni T., Ganatsas P., Zagas T. and Tsakaldimi M., 2004. Dynamics of post-fire regeneration of Pinus brutia Ten. in an artificial forest ecosystem of northern Greece. Plant Ecology 171: 165-174. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:16. Ganatsas P., Thanasis G. 2010. Pinus halepensis invasion in Pinus pinea habitat in Strofylia forest (Site of NATURA 2000 network), southern Greece. Journal For Nature Conservation. 18 (2): 106-117.17. Pausas J.C., Llovet J., Rodrigo A. et al., 2008. Are wildfires a disaster in the Mediterranean basin? – A review. International Journal of Wildland Fire. Vol. 17. 6: 713-723.18. Ganatsas P, Spanos I. 2007. Root system asymmetry of Mediterranean pines. In: Stokes A., Spanos I., Norris J.E., Cammeraat E. (eds), «Bio and Eco-Engineering: Methods, tools and quidelines for improving slope stability on slopes». Proceedings of the First International Conference on Eco-Engineering, 13-17 September 2004. BookSeries: Kluwer Series: Development in Plant and Soil Sciences Vol. 103: 127-134.19. Fyllas N.M., Phillips O.L., Kunin W.E. et al,. 2007. Development and parameterization of a general forest gap dynamics simulator for the North-eastern Mediterranean Basin (Greek Forest Species). Ecological Modelling 204: 439-456.20. Verkaik I., Espelta J.M., 2006. Post-fire regeneration thinning, cone production, serotiny and regeneration age in Pinus halepensis. Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 231. 1-3: 155-163.21. Ganatsas P., Spanos I., 2005. Root system asymmetry of Mediterranean pines. Plant and Soil. Vol.278 (1-2): 75-83.22. Spanos I., Raftoyannis Y., Goudelis G., Xanthopoulou E., Samara Th., Tsiontsis A., 2005. Postfire management activities and their effects on Pinus halepensis Mill. Forests in N. Greece. Plant and Soil 278:171-179.23. De las Heras J. (LA), Moya D., Vega J. A., Daskalakou E., Vallejo R., Grigoriadis N., Tsitsoni T., Baeza J., Valdecantos A., Fernandez C., Espelta J., Fernandes P., 2010, Chapter 7. Post-fire management of serotinous pine forests (Π15) | ||
Εργασία 5. Zagas T., Ganatsas P., Tsitsoni T. and Tsakaldimi M., 2004. Postfire regeneration of Pinus halepensis Mill. stands in Sithonia peninsula, northern Greece. Plant Ecology 171: 91-99. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:24. Spanos I., Ganatsas P., Tsakaldimi M., 2010. Εvaluation of postfire restoration in suburban forest of Τhessaloniki, northern Greece. Global NEST Journal. (In Press).25. Cerda A., Robichaud PR., 2009. Fire Effects on Soil and Restoration Strategies (Book). Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. ISBN-13: 9781578085262.26. Oliveira S. and Fernandes P. 2009. Regeneration of Pinus and Quercus After Fire in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Natural Mechanisms and Management Practices. Silva lusitana Vol. 17(2): 181-192.27. Beyers J.L., 2009. Non-native and native seeding. In: Cerda A. Robichoud P.R. (eds.) Fire effects on soils and restorstion strategies. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers: 321-336.28. Ganatsas P., Tsakaldimi M., Thanos C., 2008. Seed and cone diversity and seed germination of Pinus pinea in Strofylia Site of the Natura 2000 Network. Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol.17 (10) : 2427-2439.29. Vila J.P.S., 2007. Monitoring post-fire vegetation cover regeneration in the European Mediterranean Basin by means of remote sensing. PhD Thesis, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University.30. Tsakaldimi M.N., Ganatsas P.P., 2006. Effect of chemical root pruning on stem growth, root morphology and field performance of the Mediterranean pine Pinus halepensis Mill. Scientia Horticulturae. Vol. 109 (2): 183-189.31. De Luis M., Raventos J., Gonzalez-Hidalgo J.C., 2005. Factors controlling seedling germination after fire in Mediterranean gorse shrublands. Implications for fire prescription. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 76. 2: 159-166.32. De las Heras J. (LA), Moya D., Vega J. A., Daskalakou E., Vallejo R., Grigoriadis N., Tsitsoni T., Baeza J., Valdecantos A., Fernandez C., Espelta J., Fernandes P., 2010, Chapter 7. Post-fire management of serotinous pine forests (Π15) | ||
Εργασία 15. Trakolis D., Maliadis I., Zagas T., 2005, Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Country Report – Greece. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven. Vienna: 158-171. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους :33. Frank G., 2005. Introduction, Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven.34. Branquart E., Latham J., Lier M., Šaudytė S., 2005. A general Analysis of PFA Types in Europe. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven :7-1535. Welzholz J.C., Johann E., 2005. History of PFAs in Europe. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 17-3936. Branquart E., Latham J., 2005. Selection Criteria for PFAs Dedicated to Biodiversity Conservation in Europe. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 51-5937. Montiel C., Dominguez G., 2005. Forest Protection in the Context of Landscape. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 61-6738. Vandekerkhove K., Parviainen J., Frank G., Little D., 2005. Evaluation of Data derived from International Classification Systems: Issues Arising from the Assessment of Reported Statistics. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 103-10739. Vandekerkhove K., Frank G., Parviainen J., Bücking W., Little D., 2005. Suggestions for Clarifying PFA Categories for Reporting Purposes. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 109-13240. Schuck A., Lier M., Meliadis., 2005. The Clearinghouse Mechanism. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 135-14741. Frank G., Parviainen J., Latham J., Vanderkerkhove K., Schuck A., Little D., 2005. Main Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. Protected Forest Areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonization (PROFOR). Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. COST Action E27. Eds Latham J., Frank G., Fahy O., Kirby K., Miller H., R. Stiven : 149-159 | ||
Εργασία 20. Ganatsas P., Tsitsoni T., Zagas T. and Tsakaldimi M. 2004. Plantation contribution to restoration of degraded ecosystems in the alliance of Ostryo-Carpinion. In: Proceedings (με κρίση) of the International conference «Protection and Restoration of the Environment VII», 28 June-1 July 2004, Mykonos, Greece. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:42. Ganatsas P. 2007. Research on factors leading to the absence of natural regeneration of Pinus pinea L. in the Strofylia forest, western Peloponnesus, Greece. Options Mediterraneennes Series A. no 75:121-129.43-4 | ||
Εργασία 21. Tsitsoni T.K., Tsakaldimi M.N., Ganatsas P.P. and Zagas T.D. 2004. Effect of postfire treatments on the natural regeneration of Pinus brutia in northern Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th MEDECOS Conference, April 25-1 May, 2004, Rhodos Greece, Arianoutsou & Papanastasis (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5966 0161, pp. 1-10. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:43. Ganteaume A., Jappiot M., Lampin-Maillet C., Curt T., Borgniet L., 2009. Fuel characterization and effects of wildfire recurrence on vegetation structure on limestone soils in southeastern France. Forest Ecology and Management, IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes, Vol. 258, Supplement 1: S15-S2344. De las Heras J., Gonzalez-Ochoa A., Lopez-Serrano F. et al., 2004. Effects of silviculture treatments on vegetation after fire in Pinus halepensis Mill. woodlands (SE Spain). Annals of Forest Science. Vol. 61. 7: 661-667.45. Herrando S., Brotons L., Guallar S., Sales S. and Pons P., 2009. Postfire forest management and Mediterranean birds: the importance of the logging remnants. Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 2153–2164. | ||
Εργασία 22. Ganatsas P.P., Zagas T.D., Tsakaldimi M. N. and Tsitsoni T. K., 2004. Postfire revegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean type ecosystem in Sithonia, northern Greece: ten years after the fire. In: Proceedings of the 10th MEDECOS Conference, April 25-1 May, 2004, Rhodos Greece, Arianoutsou & Papanastasis (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5966 0161, pp.1-9. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:46. Goudelis G., Ganatsas P.P., Spanos I. and Karpi A., 2007. Effect of repeated fire on plant community recovery in Penteli, central Greece. In: Stokes A., Spanos I., Norris J.E., Cammeraat E. (eds), “Bio and Eco-Engineering: Methods, tools and quidelines for improving slope stability on slopes”. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Eco-Engineering, 13-17 September 2004. BookSeries: Kluwer Series: Development in Plant and Soil Sciences Vol. 103: 345-352.47. De las Heras J. (LA), Moya D., Vega J. A., Daskalakou E., Vallejo R., Grigoriadis N., Tsitsoni T., Baeza J., Valdecantos A., Fernandez C., Espelta J., Fernandes P., 2010, Chapter 7. Post-fire management of serotinous pine forests. | ||
Εργασία 24. Tsakaldimi M. N., Tsitsoni T. K., Zagas T.D. and Ganatsas P.P., 2004. Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) natural regeneration, without fire, in the Kassandra peninsula, northern Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th MEDECOS Conference, April 25-1 May, 2004, Rhodos Greece, Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5966 0161, pp.1-8. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:48. Moya D., De las Heras J., López-Serrano F.R., Leone V., 2008. Optimal intensity and age of management in young Aleppo pine stands for post-fire resilience. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 3270-3280.49. Chavakis E., 2007. Regeneration of the main coniferous species (Pinus pinea L., Pinus halepensis Mill. & Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa ((Sibth.& Sm.) Ball) of the pine forest of the Schinias & Marathon National Park, Greece. MSc Thesis, Albert-Ludwings Univeritaet Freiburg. | ||
Εργασία 28. Stamatelos G., Karamanolis D., Zagas T., 2001, The spatial pattern of forest tree diameter classes in the frame of structure and management of forest Ecosystem, In: Proceedings of the International Conference: “Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth I”, Xanthi, Greece, 5-8 June 2001, Ed: Tsihrintzis V.A., Tsalidis Philippos P., Vol.: I, p.p. 409-414. | ||
50. Stamatelos G., Panourgias G., 2005, Simulating Spatial Distributions of Forest Trees by Using Data from Fixed Area Plots, Forestry, Vol 78, No 3 (2005), doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpi028 | ||
Εργασία 34. Σπανός Ι., Χατζηφιλιππίδης Γ., Ζάγκας Θ., Χατζηστάθης Α., Πινακίδης Ι., Αθανασιάδης Β., Στεργιόπουλος Ι., 2000. Πορεία εγκατάστασης των αναδασώσεων των καμένων εκτάσεων του περιάστικού δάσους πάρκου Θεσσαλονίκης. Πρώτα αποτελέσματα, δυο έτη μετά την πυρκαγιά. Δασική Έρευνα 13: 11-25. | ||
51. Tourlakidis Ch. 2005. Urban Forests of Thessaloniki: Post- Fire (1997) – Restoration Perspectives. In: Cost Action E12 Urban Forests and Trees, Eds, Konijendijk C., Schiperijn J., Nilsson K., Prec. NO 21205-216 | ||
Εργασία 72. Zagas, Th., Tsitsoni Th., Gkanatsas P., 1999. Perspectives of Silviculture as Discipline in Greece. Silva Gandavensis, 64:17-23. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:52. Κalapodis N.G., 2010, Neuorientierung der Forsteinrichtung in Griechenland im Hinblick auf Eine Multifunktionale, Naturnahe und Umweltadaptive Waldwirtschaft, PhD Dissertation, Fakultät für Forst – und Umweltwissenschaften der Albert – Ludwigs – Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., S: 143 | ||
Εργασία 73. Zagas Th., Hatzistathis A., Tsitsoni Th., Gkanatsas P., 1998. Degradation of mediterranean forest ecosystems and silvicultural measures for their restoration. European Environmental Research, Vol. I, No 2: 53-60. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:53. Boydak M., 2004. Biology and Silviculture of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) (Book). ISBN: 975-93943-4-0. LAZER OFSET Matbaa Tesisleri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., Ankara. | ||
Εργασία 74. Hatzistathis, A. – Goudelis, G. – Zagas, Th. 1998. Conclusions from the Reforestation in Greece and Pperspectives. Europ. Env. Res. Vol. 1: Νο 2, ISSN 1108-2992. pp. 61-70. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:54. Ranjan R., 2006, Environmental Restoration of Invaded Ecosystems: How Much Versus How Often?, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 86 (2008), p:616-626, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.12.030 | ||
Εργασία 78. Zagas, Th. 1994. Die natuerliche Bewaldung im Elatia Gebirge (Griech. Rhodopi). Schw. Zeitschrift fuer Forstwesen. Nr. 3. S. 229 – 240. | ||
55. Tsitsoni T., Karagiannakidou V., 2000, Site quality and stand structure in P. halepensis forests in N. Greece, Forestry, Vol. 73, No1, 2000 | ||
Εργασία 81. Zagas Τ., Ganatsas P., T. Tsitsoni and Hatzistathis A., 2000. Influence of sewage sludge application on survival and early growth of forest species. In: V.A. Tsihritzis, G.P. Korfiatis, K.L. Katsifarakis, A.C. Demetrakopoulos (eds), Proceedings of the International Conference «Protection and Restoration of the Environment V», Thassos, 3-6 July 2000, Vol. I: 583-590. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:56. Jimenez Morales M.N., 2009. Tecnicas de forestation de tierras agrarias desde la perspectiva de las relaciones suelo-planta. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Edafologia y Quimica Agricola.57. Fuentes D., Disante K.B., Valdecantos A., Cortina J., Vallejo R., 2007. Response of Pinus halepensis Mill. seedlings to biosolids enriched with Cu, Ni and Zn in three Mediterranean forest soils. Environmental Pollution 145: 316-323.58. Fuentes D., Valdecantos A., Cortina J., Vallejo R., 2007. Seedling performance in sewage sludge-amended degraded mediterranean woodlands. Ecological Engineering 31: 281-291.59. Valdecantos A., 2001. Aplicacion de fertilizantes organicos e inorganicos en la repoblacion de zonas forestales degradadas de la Comunidad Valenciana. PhD Thesis. Departament d’ Ecologia, Universitat D’ Alecant. | ||
Εργασία 82. Hatzistathis A., Zagas T., Gkanatsas P. and Tsitsoni T., 1999. Experimental work on restoration techniques after wildfires in forest ecosystems in Chalkidiki, North Greece. Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Forest Fires: Needs and Innovations’ Athens, 18-19 November 1999: 310-315. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:60. Konstantinidis P., Tsiourlis G., Xofis P., 2006. Effect of fire season, aspect and pre-fire plant size on the growth of Arbutus unedo L. (straberry tree) resprouts. Forest Ecology and Management 225: 359-367.61. Konstantinidis P., Tsiourlis G., Galatsidas S., 2005. Effects of wildfire season on the resprouting of kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.). Forest Ecology and Management 225: 359-367.62. Boydak M., 2004. Biology and Silviculture of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) (Book). ISBN: 975-93943-4-0. LAZER OFSET Matbaa Tesisleri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., Ankara. | ||
Εργασία 83. Hatzistathis A., Gkanatsas P., Zagas T. and Tsitsoni T., 1999. Effects of forest fires on forest ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Forest Fires: Needs and Innovations’ Athens, 18-19 November: 386-389. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:63. Boydak M., 2004. Biology and Silviculture of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) (Book). ISBN: 975-93943-4-0. LAZER OFSET Matbaa Tesisleri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., Ankara. | ||
Εργασία 97. Ζάγκας, Θ., Σμύρης Π. 1993. Δασοκομική έρευνα σε συστάδες υβριδογενούς ελάτης του Πανεπιστημιακού δάσους Περτουλίου. Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος. Τόμος ΛΣΤ: 435-457. | ||
64. Stamatelos G., Panourgias G., 2005, Simulating Spatial Distributions of Forest Trees by Using Data from Fixed Area Plots, Forestry, Vol 78, No 3 (2005), doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpi028 | ||
Εργασία 102. Ζάγκας, Θ. 1987. ΄Ερευνα της φυσικής αναγέννησης της χαλεπίου Πεύκης μετά από πυρκαγιά στην περιοχή του όρους Πατέρας. Eπιστημονική Eπετηρίδα του Τμήματος Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος. Τόμος Λ: 301-327. | ||
65. Spanos I., Daskalakou E., Thanos C., 2000, Postfire regeneration of P. brutia forests in Thasos Island, Greece, Acta Oceologica, 21 (1), p: 13-2066. Tsitsoni T., 1997, Conditions determining natural regeneration after wildfires in the P. halepensis forests of Kassandra Peninsula (N.Greece), Forest Ecology and management 92 (1997), p:199-208 | ||
Εργασία 126. Ζάγκας Θ., 1990, Συνθήκες φυσικής εγκατάστασης της δασικής πεύκης σε περιοχή της Ροδόπης, Διδακτορική διατριβή, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Τμήμα Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος, Θεσσαλονίκη, σελ:170 | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:67. Κalapodis N.G., 2010, Neuorientierung der Forsteinrichtung in Griechenland im Hinblick auf Eine Multifunktionale, Naturnahe und Umweltadaptive Waldwirtschaft, PhD Dissertation, Fakultät für Forst – und Umweltwissenschaften der Albert – Ludwigs – Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., S: 14368. Efthimiou G., 2001, The dynamic development of Salix species at the riparian forest of Nestos, Proccedings of the International Conference: FOREST RESEARCH: A challenge for an integrated European approach, Vol. II, NAGREF- Forest Research Institute, Thessaloniki, August 2001, p: 573-58069. Tsitsoni T., Karagiannakidou V., 2000, Site quality and stand structure in P. halepensis forests in N. Greece, Forestry, Vol 73, No1, 200070. Papadopoulos A, 1992, Contribution a l’etude ecologique et dendroclimatologique du pin d’Alep (Pinus halepensis Mill), Th. Doc, Univ Aix-Marseille III, Fac. St Jerome 189 p., No 92/AIX3/0070, ANRT-Grenoble71. Grigoriadis N., Peterman J., 1995, Die Waelder zwischen Nestos und Bulgarien, Forstarchiv, Vol. 66, S: 240-24672. Eleftheriadou E., Theodoropoulos K., Tsiripidis I., Athanasiadis N., 2000, Preliminary results of the greek picea forests, Second Balcan Botanical Congress 14-18 May 2000, Instanbul, Turkey | ||
Εργασία 129. Zagas T., Tsitsoni T., Gkanatsas P., 1998. Contribution of Silviculture towards sustainable Forestry. Proc. of VII International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL). | ||
Αναφέρεται από τον:73. Johnson, E.A. and Miyanishi, K.,1998. Sustainable Forest Management. In: A. Farina (editor) Perspectives in Ecology. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, NL: 135-142 | ||
Εργασία 130. Gkanatsas P., Tsitsoni T., Zagas T., Hatzistathis A., 1998. Postfire regeneration and reclamation of mixed broad-leaves – Pinus halepensis ecosystems, in Chalkidiki, North Greece (Abstract). Ιn: A. Farina, J. Kennedy and V. Bossu (Eds), Proceedings of the VII International Congress of Ecology, INTECOL. Florence 18-25 July 1998: 159-160. | ||
Αναφέρεται από τους:74. Chavakis E., 2007. Regeneration of the main coniferous species (Pinus pinea L., Pinus halepensis Mill. & Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth.& Sm.) Ball) of the pine forest of the Schinias & Marathon National Park, Greece. MSc Thesis, Albert-Ludwings Univeritaet Freiburg.75. Johnson, E.A. and Miyanishi, K.,1998. Sustainable Forest Management. In: A. Farina (editor) Perspectives in Ecology. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, NL: 135-142. | ||
Εργασία – . Ζάγκας Θ., Αντωνιάδης Β., Καραμανώλης Δ., Μαντζαβέλας Α., Φασούλας Φ., 2009, Προσωρινές τεχνικές προδιαγραφές για τη σύνταξη διαχειριστικών σχεδίων για δασικά οικοσυστήματα, ΓΕΩΤ.Ε.Ε., Θεσσαλονίκη | ||
76. Κalapodis N.G., 2010, Neuorientierung der Forsteinrichtung in Griechenland im Hinblick auf Eine Multifunktionale, Naturnahe und Umweltadaptive Waldwirtschaft, PhD Dissertation, Fakultät für Forst – und Umweltwissenschaften der Albert – Ludwigs – Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., S: 143 | ||
4. Ετεροαναφορές στην Εθνική Βιβλιογραφία.
Βρέθηκαν 245 ετεροαναφορές σε επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις, διδακτορικές διατριβές και μεταπτυχιακές διατριβές.